WTS nominated for Nor-Shipping Next Generation Ship Award
Huisman’s Wind Turbine Shuttle (WTS), has been nominated for the Nor-Shipping Next Generation Ship Award. This Award will be awarded on Tuesday 24 May at the Nor-Shipping Opening Conference to the ship project demonstrating the greatest advances in design. The design will be assessed with respect to energy efficiency, innovation, suitability and flexibility, technology utilization, safety and security and environmental sustainability. Up to four nominees will be publicly honored for their innovative ship design.

The Wind Turbine Shuttle is a dynamically positioned, fast sailing (14 knots) SWATH - Small Water plane Area Twin Hull - type installation vessel which can carry and install two wind turbines in one piece. By combining low vessel motions, compensating systems and a mooring system, the wind turbine is kept virtually stationary in relation to the fixed foundation.
The jury includes representatives from DNV (jury leader), Nor-Shipping, Fairplay Solutions, Maritim 21 and MARINTEK.