/ 新闻

New contact numbers Huisman The Netherlands and Huisman Global Services The Netherlands


As of Friday 2 August 2013, the contact numbers for the Huisman and Huisman Global Services companies based in The Netherlands will change.

New contact numbers Huisman The Netherlands and Huisman Global Services The Netherlands

New general contact numbers for these companies are:

Phone: +31(0)88 070 22 22

Fax: +31(0)88 070 22 20


The migration will start at 18:00 hrs (GMT +2) on Thursday 1 August and is planned to end at 23:00 hrs (GMT +2). During this time the phone and fax numbers of these locations will be unreachable.


The Huisman emergency phone number remains available during the migration and will not change.


We hope to have informed you sufficiently and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.