/ 钻井设备

豪氏威马已有超过15年的海上钻井平台设计和制造经验。起初,豪氏威马仅生产起重机和倒管设备,但随着90年代末多功能钻井塔(MPT)的开发,豪氏威马已创造可大幅度提高海上钻井和设备运输效率的方式。起初,我们只交付隔水管和倒管设备,后来逐渐开始设计并交付了4台杰出的且配备了双列多功能塔(DMPT)的超深水钻井船,即Noble Bully号和Noble Globetrotters号。这些船舶相继交付后,豪氏威马又进一步发展船舶设计能力,推出了HuisDrill 12000概念设计,该船凭借其先进的设计理念和卓越的性能在同类钻井船中独树一帜。



Offshore drilling systems

Offshore drilling systems

Huisman offers complete drilling packages and is dedicated to explore and realise new solutions to improve drilling operations. Our projects are typically complex and innovative, requiring solution-aimed thinking, technical excellence and partnerships with our clients. This has already resulted in a number of new value-adding solutions and orders for innovative and technically challenging drilling equipment sets. 

Land drilling systems

Land drilling systems

The LOC 250, Huisman’s first land drilling rig was introduced in 2005 and designed to take advantage of emerging Casing While Drilling technology to reduce the costs as well as the environmental impact of drilling a well. After a few years, the demand for deeper/horizontal wells triggered the development of the LOC 250’s successor: the LOC 400 with a higher hook load capacity and the ability to drill deeper wells. To meet today’s demand for faster, more flexible operations in unconventional plays, Huisman has taken lessons learned from their previous land rigs and redesigned them to form the new InnoRig land drilling unit, 100mt trailer mounted rig HM 100 and 150mt trailer mounted rig HM 150.



