The sustainability of heat supply for houses and buildings is essential to realise the climate ambitions of Utrecht (the Netherlands). Geothermal energy can possibly make a major contribution to achieve this. Therefore, a subsidy application will soon be submitted (programme renewable energy) to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) for a research into geothermal energy via the demonstration and de-risk project LEAN (Low cost Exploration And deriskiNg of geothermal plays: the Rotliegendes demonstrator).
Huisman, the worldwide provider of step changing technical solutions recently developed a revolutionary system for the application of fiber rope in subsea deployment crane applications. The system includes a Hybrid Fiber Rope System which combines the advantages of fiber rope with subsea deployment, while the heave compensation is done with traditional steel wire rope systems.
Huisman, the worldwide provider of step changing technical solutions, organised a steel cutting ceremony together with CMHI and OOS International for their new 4×2,200mt Offshore Mast Cranes at the Huisman production facility in China. The cranes will be installed on two vessels for OOS International, which are currently being built by CMHI Jiangsu shipyard.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, and construction company Züblin, were awarded a contract from Wayland Energy for the delivery of two geothermal wells in Bergschenhoek, the Netherlands. The two wells will be drilled directionally to planned depths of approximately 2,500 meters and 2,800 meters. The wells will be drilled utilising the Huisman LOC 400 drilling rig - a fully containerised modular rig outfitted with a fully automated pipe-handler and rig floor. It will be the 6th project for the LOC 400 in Europe, including three geothermal energy projects.
Early August 2017, Huisman, the provider of step changing technical solutions, signed an agency agreement for promotional and representational services with Exeno Yamamizu Corporation for the Japanese market. After the contract award of Penta Ocean Construction / Japan Marine United for the delivery of an 800mt Huisman PMC in 2016, Huisman is convinced that local representation is required to build and maintain relationships in Japan effectively. Maritime trading house Exeno Yamamizu will be the first point of contact for Japanese clients and through communication in the Japanese language, Huisman’s local presence in Japan will be enhanced.
Yesterday Huisman was awarded the prestigious World Petroleum Congress Excellence Award for Technical Development for small to medium sized companies during the World Petroleum Congress in Istanbul. Huisman received this awarded for the abstract titled: ‘Robotized Drilling, not talking, but doing’ about the what, how and why of the Huisman robotized drilling systems and it’s prove: the Huisman Innovation Tower (HIT). The winners were announced the final day of the 22nd World Petroleum Congress, during the WPC Excellence Awards Ceremony by H.E. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, Chairman, International Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy & Industry, Qatar.
On Saturday 24 June, Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, celebrated the 20th anniversary of their production facility in the Czech Republic: Huisman Czech Republic. The facility, located in Sviadnov (Ostrava Region) opened in 1997 and has since then played an important role in the Huisman production and engineering force. The facility, employing around 600 people, is specialised in the production of high tensile strength steel constructions and critical components.
Utrecht/The Hague, 19 June 2017: In the future, 30% of the industrial heat requirement can be delivered by Ultra Deep Geothermal Energy. Today, the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure and the Environment, EBN, TNO and seven consortia of companies have signed the so-called Green Deal Ultra Deep Geothermal Energy (UDG). This is an important step to map the opportunities for UDG in The Netherlands and to provide a basis for further development of this technology. The Green Deal was signed during the annual presentation of the EBN-report 'Focus on Energy' in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions has developed an extremely lightweight type crane for the maintenance of offshore wind turbines: the 'Foldable Offshore Crane'. This crane combines unparalleled lifting heights and more than sufficient lifting capacity with a foldable boom resulting in less required deck space and a low own weight of the crane. The selection of this crane for the maintenance of offshore wind turbines will therefore require a smaller, and thus more cost effective, jack-up vessel than currently required.
On Monday 17 April, Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Chinese production facility: Huisman China. Since its opening on 17 April 2007, Huisman China delivers a significant contribution to the overall Huisman engineering and production capacity. The delivery of the 100th crane in 2015 signifies the added value of the Chinese Huisman production facility for the Huisman Group and its clients in the region.
Firms in the US and the UK have notified us that they received emails, supposedly from Huisman Equipment BV employees to retain them with regards to making a large commercial purchase.
Enhanced Casing Installation (ECI), a product of Huisman Well Technology, is nominated for the European Geothermal Innovation Award 2017. The European Geothermal Innovation Award is given to companies which have made an outstanding contribution towards the field of geothermal energy in the form of innovative products, scientific research or project initiatives.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, is about to deliver the first crane built and tested at their production facility in Navegantes, Santa Catarina state, in the south of Brazil. This 50mt (Deck) Knuckle Boom Crane is the first of an order of two 50mt (deck) Knuckle Boom Cranes for DOF/Technip’s ‘Skandi Olinda’ and ‘Skandi Recife’ which are currently being built at Brazilian shipyard VARD Promar.
Late December 2016 Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, and Oceana Shipyard, part of CBO group, signed a contract for the delivery of two additional anchor handling and towing winch packages for two new Havyard 843 AHTS vessels. These two winch packages are additional to the 2015 CBO order for four anchor handling and towing winch packages of which the first system has been delivered to CBO in November 2016. Similar to the 2015 order, these two winch packages will be built at Huisman’s production facility in Navegantes, Brazil. Delivery is scheduled for Q1 2018. The winches will be delivered with 50% Brazilian content.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, is currently producing world’s largest bearings at its production facility in China. These two, 30m diameter, bearings are meant for world’s largest Tub Cranes: the two 10,000mt Huisman designed cranes which are under construction for Heerema’s new semi-submersible crane vessel ‘Sleipnir’. Since 2012, Huisman has been successfully designing and constructing small bearings with a diameter up to 14m.
Early October 2016, Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, secured a contract from Japan Marine United Corporation for the delivery of one 800mt Pedestal Mounted Crane (PMC) and a contract from Jurong Shipyard for the delivery of one 100mt Pedestal Mounted Offshore Crane (PMOC). Both cranes will be built at Huisman China, the delivery of the 800mt PMC is planned for April 2018, the delivery of the 100mt PMOC is planned for March 2018.
Schiedam, 24 August 2016: Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, has secured new crane contracts with a total value of around 300 million Euro from various major offshore, shipping and wind farm installation contractors:
The cranes will be built at the Huisman production facilities in The Netherlands, Czech Republic and China. Deliveries are scheduled for end 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Huisman announced today that it has sold its majority stake in tidal and free-flow water turbines producer Tocardo International BV, to the Canadian company Tribute Resources Inc. The transaction is consistent with Huisman’s strategy to divest activities in non-core businesses.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, recently introduced a new 400mt Offshore Mast Crane simulator at the company’s sales and service facility in Singapore. The crane simulator will be used for regular and customized education and training purposes and for expert investigations on a 400mt Offshore Mast Crane or any other required Huisman crane type.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, held a steel cutting ceremony together with COOEC, a subsidiary of CNOOC, for their new pipelay system at the Huisman facility in China. It is a 325mt Vertical Lay System for flexible pipe. It will be the first Vertical Lay System ever operated and owned by a Chinese company. The tower will be installed onboard of the offshore construction vessel HYSY286, and together with the earlier supplied 400mt deep water mast crane of Huisman, this vessel will become a very efficient and capable deep water construction vessel.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, celebrated the delivery of the 100th Chinese built crane at their production facility in Zhangzhou, China. The 100 cranes have a total lifting capacity of 65,000mt. The 100th crane is a 1,500mt Heavy Lift Mast Crane for Jumbo’s ‘Fairmaster’. The celebrated crane is one of a set of two 1,500mt cranes, giving the vessel a dual lift capacity of up to 3,000mt. The delivery of the 100th crane signifies a major milestone for Huisman China and proves the success of the Chinese Huisman production facility.
Huisman, the worldwide specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions, held a steel cutting ceremony together with Heerema for the two Heerema 10,000mt Tub Mounted Cranes at their facility in China. These world’s largest cranes will be installed onboard Heerema’s new semi-submersible crane vessel. The steel cutting event signifies a major milestone for the project to proceed to its construction phase to meet the delivery schedule by the end of 2018.
The Offshore Subsea Construction Vessel “Skandi Africa” was yesterday awarded the prestigious “Ship of the Year” award, instituted by Nordic shipping magazine, Skipsrevyen. The vessel is currently at the Huisman Schiedam quay for final outfitting.
Huisman and the management of Fistuca BV announced today that agreement has been reached on the participation of Huisman as shareholder and investor in Fistuca BV.