Huisman nominated for European Geothermal Innovation Award 2017
Enhanced Casing Installation (ECI), a product of Huisman Well Technology, is nominated for the European Geothermal Innovation Award 2017. The European Geothermal Innovation Award is given to companies which have made an outstanding contribution towards the field of geothermal energy in the form of innovative products, scientific research or project initiatives.

ECI is an innovative retrievable casing installation system that allows drilling and installing casing simultaneously. The Huisman approach results in several functional and operational advantages:
- ECI reduces risks related to hole problems such as stability, lost circulation and hole cleaning;
- ECI reduces rig time and increases personnel safety (by minimising pipe handling and tripping);
- Composite casing shoe tracks allow logging through casing: BHA with MWD placed inside casing for minimum stick-out and optimum weight transfer and BHA stabilization.
The winner of the European Geothermal Innovation Award 2017 will be announced during the GeoTHERM 15-16 February 2017 in Offenberg, Germany. Huisman is participating together with Huisman Well Technology and Well Engineering Partners under the name InnoDrill: booth number 125.