Drone inspections of Jumbo Jubilee ensure safe, fast and flexible crane maintenance
Keeping equipment maintained to the highest quality standards is vital to keep high performance & standards in this specialised maritime industry. Inspection of mission critical equipment can be difficult, dangerous, and can significantly impact operations. Therefore, optimising maintenance and inspection schedules on this kind of equipment requires innovative, safe and cost-efficient methods.

By using state-of-the-art drones, Huisman can inspect equipment quickly, efficiently and with minimum downtime. Since April 2021, Huisman has been certified by Lloyd’s Register for the use of a Remote Inspection Technology System. These inspection services can be performed for cranes, but also drilling and pipelay equipment.
Expert drone pilots
Flown by expert pilots, Huisman’s drone service offers a safe and remote visual inspection in any environment, and crucially, it avoids the need for workers to access dangerous and hazardous locations.
In an example of the benefits of Huisman Drone Inspection, we outline a project undertaken on behalf of the global heavy lift and offshore specialist Jumbo Maritime. Here we performed inspections on the Jumbo Jubilee, a DP2 heavy lift crane vessel, which is equipped with two 900mt revolving Huisman Mast Cranes.
Efficient maintenance
As Andres Casanova, Technical Manager of Jumbo Maritime, explains, maintenance is always a challenge for a Technical Department. “We always have to find the optimum balance between cost, performance’ and risks. The cranes that we have installed are a part of our so-called mission critical equipment, therefore we are always optimising - and looking into how we can maintain these cranes at the most optimum operational costs, at lowest risks levels both for the crew on board and the cargo.”
Huisman Service Operation Lead, Gert-Jan Boersma, comments: “Using drone technology, we can access hard to reach areas that normally require either rope access or special scaffolding to be built. In the case of the cranes on the Jumbo Jubilee, some areas are simply not accessible via normal platforms, so drone technology is an excellent way of reaching those hard-to-reach places without risking the safety of personnel.”
Andres was also keened to work with Huisman as both companies are working on innovative solutions with regards to digitalisation and maintenance and unlocking value in operational – and performance data.
Advanced digitalisation
“Jumbo’s Technical Department always wants to do more with digitalisation - getting more data from the ships, more data from our equipment - and to see how we can predict the future by using historical data to increase the performance and the safety of our equipment.
“We noticed this development within Huisman too, what they are doing in this area. Huisman is approaching digitalisation and doing maintenance in a different way and this is how we came to the point when we said ‘let’s do a drone inspection trial on board the Jumbo Jubilee’.”
Pioneering AI software analyses collected data
The Huisman Drone Inspection delivers a data set with images and then our pioneering Artificial Intelligence (AI) software ‘Equipment Inspector’ analyses the collected data. Any defects are marked on the image of the equipment. By clicking on the defect number, information shows whether it is ‘safe’, ‘requires repair’, or ‘unsafe’, allowing our clients to prioritise repairs.
Gert-Jan adds: “The AI can detect certain flaws in the system, in the imagery, which in turn gives us a signal that that area will need further investigation by an engineer or by means of non-destructive testing (NDT) inspection.”
Once the collected images are analysed and processed the findings are outlined in a report and delivered to the client, saving time and expense compared to conventional inspections.
Reports include an image of the defect, type of defect and the suggested repair (common defects include corrosion, paint peels, weld cracks and buckling).
The drone inspections simplify maintenance planning and scheduling, as well as providing data for future reference.
Importantly, Huisman also takes any hassle arranging permits from the correct authorities for the inspections away from the client. All these arrangements are dealt with by the experienced Huisman team.
Flexibility is the biggest advantage
Andres emphasises: “The biggest advantage that Jumbo saw directly is of course the flexibility. We have a much shorter total downtime to put the crane out of service for inspections of the crane. And having fewer people - because the only one that is involved now is the drone operator on the main deck - I think the quality improved. It always depends on the quality of the people in the end, and I think we can now ensure the constant quality of the inspections.”
By substantially reducing inspection times, repairs can be underway as soon as possible. Uptime is maximised, maintenance planning and scheduling is made easier, and flexibility is guaranteed.