Huisman wins Maritime Innovation Award 2007
The winners of the Maritime Innovation Award 2007 are Huisman-Itrec and Kranendonk Production Systems BV. Huisman-Itrec received the award in the category ‘product innovation'. State-Secretary for Transport, Public Works and Water Management Mrs. Tineke Huizinga presented the awards on November 1st at the Maritime Awards Gala in Rotterdam.

Winner for the category product innovation: Huisman-Itrec with Subsea complex pipe laying systems Huisman-Itrec designs and builds complex installation for the shipping and offshore industry like heavy ships cranes, pipe laying systems and drilling systems. ‘Subsea complex pipe laying systems' consist of four new very different method to lay down oil pipes on the bottom of sea: -S-lay: The first system with a complete below-deck pipe laying street and a stinger on the installation crane. -J-lay: The system with a complete ship active movement compensation in the (1200 tonnes weighing) tower -Reel-lay: system with the worlds greatest capacity on a 3500 tonnes reel and with the biggest tensioning capacity of 350 tonnes. -Flex lay: The world's first and biggest system that can be adjusted into an angle.
The jury comments that the innovations of Huisman-Itrec are a positive contribution of the image for the Dutch maritime industry. The pipe laying systems are of high quality with the use of spectacular techniques. Furthermore, the company showed flexibility, courage and innovative power, extending the limits of what was thought possible. Huisman-Itrec is making use of the availability of the high context knowledge in the market. The jury appreciates this very much and sees this as an example for the industry.
The Maritime Innovation Award is an initiative of Holland Marine Equipment Association (HME) and aims to draw attention to the innovative character of the Dutch maritime and offshore supply industry, and to stimulate innovative developments within the maritime sector. The Maritime Innovation Award was presented for the 6th consecutive time.
Jury Maritime Innovation Award The jury consists of ten prominent experts with maritime ‘roots': ir. Hans Huisman (ER-Schifffahrt), Hans Klein Woud (Delft Technical University), Capt. Hans Walenkamp (former CEO Smit Internationale), Niko Wijnolst (Dutch Maritime Network), ir. Fred Weenig (Rabobank Nederland BBR), mr.drs. Louk Teunissen (Ministry of Economic Affairs), drs. Reinoud Pijpers (Ministry of Transport), ir. George Lagers (Delft Technical University), ing. Rob Strijland (Wagenborg Shipping BV) and Cdr. (ret.) Pim van Gulpen (chairman Holland Marine Equipment Association). Holland Marine Equipment Association (HME) represents the Dutch suppliers of maritime equipment and services by strengthening the quality image, stimulating innovations and clustering of know-how. The 220 member companies are active in the fields of maritime engineering & contracting, fabrication of installations and components, the supply of maritime services and ship repair.